10 ways to feel good right now

Ep #62: How to Process Emotion During Hard Moments

Mental Health Remix Podcast Episode 62

Ep #62: How to Process Emotion During Hard Moments

We all have hard moments, and these instances create a narrative in our brain that can really perpetuate the problem. So, when you’re having a bad day and you’re finding it difficult to stay positive, keeping your brain in check is more important than ever because this is when things can get really messy.

The one thing we don’t want to do is start letting our hard moments define us. Our brains love processing our environment and making up a story about it, so in this episode, I’m showing you how you can make that story something that helps you, instead of leaving you despaired and frustrated.

Tune in this week to discover how to process your emotions during hard moments. I’m sharing why trying to breeze past uncomfortable emotions is never a long-term solution, and how you can offer yourself support when you’re having a bad day and you can’t see an easy way out of it.

If you’re struggling with anxiety or stress, and you need more practical coping skills, I have an entire workbook I’ve written on coping strategies and tools to help you. If you want to learn more ways to start managing your anxiety, click here to get it.

If you enjoyed today’s episode and never want to miss one, make sure you sign up for my email newsletter. We’ll let you know each week when a new episode drops and what the topic will be.


  • Why it’s so easy to fall into an unhelpful state of mind during difficult moments or bad days.
  • Where motivation comes from, and why it doesn’t last forever.
  • Why your attempts to get rid of negative emotions are actually making it worse in the long term.
  • The importance of engaging in physical activity to support your mental and emotional recovery.
  • How to process your emotions and allow them to move through you, even in the hardest moments.


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