10 ways to feel good right now

Harmony Hub your one stop shop to parenting ADHD kids

online membership community

Parenting a child with ADHD can often feel like a roller coaster of up and downs. You love your child deeply, but the daily challenges can leave you frustrated and wondering if you’re making any progress.

There is nothing worse than seeing your child struggle day to day.

I’m guessing…

  • You’re doing everything you can for your child, but nothing is working.
  • Each day starts with uncertainty, not knowing what strategies will work or how to handle the next challenge.
  • You seek a community of support but find it hard to connect with others who truly understand.
  • The only accessible advice comes with a high price tag, leaving you wondering if genuine, affordable support is out of reach.
  • You know that finding the right approach could change everything. It could give your child the tools they need to thrive, elevate your confidence as a parent, and bring your family closer together.

Right now, I want you to…

  • Imagine knowing exactly how to respond when a meltdown happens

  • Imagine setting appropriate boundaries and rules that your child respects and follows.

  • Imagine effectively connecting and communicating with your child, fostering mutual understanding and respect.

  • Imagine your child thriving in social situations, making friends, and embracing new experiences joyfully.

  • Imagine looking back and seeing not the hurdles of ADHD but the loving support and guidance I’ve provided, empowering my child to succeed.

It's all possible my friend.

Hey there, I'm Nicole...
Headshot of Nicole Symcox

I’m a licensed psychotherapist, a mental health educator, an ADHD parent coach, and the host of the well-loved Mental Health Remix podcast. My specialization in ADHD has given me a front-row seat to the complexities and hurdles both children and their parents face when dealing with ADHD.

This insight spurred me to develop a program crafted specifically to empower parents in supporting their ADHD children more effectively.

With over a decade of experience in the mental health field, I’ve tailored this course with actionable tools and strategies aimed at tackling the distinct challenges that come with parenting a child with ADHD.

I firmly believe in the power of proper support and guidance. My commitment is to help parents and their children not just navigate these challenges but flourish. I’m here to support families in their journey to success!

Introducing .... The Harmony Hub

Your one stop shop for ADHD Parenting.

Every month is packed with workshops, coaching, community, and resources on topics that matter to you the most...






And, so much more!

Here’s What the Club Includes:

  • Tailored Monthly Workshops: Every month, I dive deep into the pressing challenges we face parenting ADHD children, using insights I’ve gained over the last two decades as a teacher and child psychotherapist to guide us.
  • Personalized Group Calls: I’ll be there to offer bespoke advice and support directly, answering your questions and addressing your concerns.
  • Community Support: We have a private community where we can share our experiences and strategies, learning from fellow parents on similar journeys.
  • Unlimited Workshop Access: Anytime you need a refresher or miss a live session, you can revisit our comprehensive library of past workshops at your own pace.
  • Dedicated Coaching for Parents: I provide targeted support to help us navigate the complexities and challenges of ADHD parenting with grace.


Here’s What You’ll Gain:

  • Access to My Expertise: I’ve gathered regular, in-depth insights and strategies over the years, all aimed at making our parenting journey smoother.
  • A Focus on Effective ADHD Parenting: Elevating our parenting skills with resources and tools that genuinely make a difference.
  • A Changed Home Life: Together, we’ll move beyond daily struggles and conflicts to create a nurturing, growth-oriented environment for your family 
  • Improved Relationship: I’ll share how to balance firm boundaries with deep, understanding connections with your child


By joining Parenting ADHD Brains, you’re taking a significant step toward consistency in your parenting approach. My tools and strategies are designed to integrate seamlessly into your life, fostering a routine that supports both you and your child’s growth.


This is your invitation to transform your ADHD parenting experience with my guidance and the support of a community that gets it. Let’s embark on this journey together, bringing out the best in our children and our families.


Join Us Now for $29/mo 

Frequently Asked Questions

No, this program is distinctly NOT therapy nor should it be seen as a substitute for therapy or medical advice. It’s an educational program aimed at equipping you with the necessary skills and tools for parenting a child with ADHD effectively.

Absolutely. Your subscription renews monthly on the 27th each month, ensuring you have access to the latest content by the start of each month. Should you decide to cancel, simply contact us at hello@mentalhealthremix.com before your next billing cycle commences. We’ll process your cancellation, no questions asked. 

Our program is structured to provide new content monthly. However, for those who wish to dive deep right from the start, I suggest opting for my comprehensive “Parenting ADHD Brains” online course. It offers immediate access to all the materials I’ve developed, allowing you to progress at your own pace.

I’d be delighted to work with you on a one-on-one basis. For an in-depth, personalized coaching experience, please visit this link (insert VIP day link) to book a 1:1 strategy session. These sessions allow us to focus exclusively on your child’s needs and your family’s dynamics, leveraging my full expertise to support you.