10 ways to feel good right now

Ep #63: Perfectionism Vs. Good Enough with Integrity

Mental Health Remix Podcast Episode 63

Ep #63: Perfectionism Vs. Good Enough with Integrity

With perfectionism, from the outside, it looks like we put an enormous amount of pressure on ourselves to get things right and it’s important for us to get tasks done in a particular manner. However, perfectionism is a lot more complicated than it might seem on the surface, so it’s time to talk about it.

What is driving your perfectionism? I’ve learned that perfectionism and anxiety go hand-in-hand. So, if you feel like nothing you do is good enough, that you have to work harder and push harder and that just offering your best isn’t good enough, I invite you to listen closely to this episode because we’re working towards the root of the issue on today’s episode.

Tune in this week to discover a way of living from neutrality, rather than perfectionism. I’m showing you how doing your best with integrity will get the results you want in your life while easing the burden that perfectionism puts on your shoulders.

If you’re struggling with anxiety or stress, and you need more practical coping skills, I have an entire workbook I’ve written on coping strategies and tools to help you. If you want to learn more ways to start managing your anxiety, click here to get it.

If you enjoyed today’s episode and never want to miss one, make sure you sign up for my email newsletter. We’ll let you know each week when a new episode drops and what the topic will be.


  • Why perfectionism and anxiety are so closely linked.
  • What it means to do your best with integrity.
  • Why perfectionism has no end and it will always leave us exhausted in the long term.
  • How to step into your own narrative, embracing the idea of doing your best or good enough from a place of integrity.


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